So I finished my biggest and longest week of training for the Ironman.
The taper has officially started.
Here were my numbers:
Thursday: 1:30 bike, 1:30 run
Friday: 6:00 bike, 1:00 run
Saturday: 1:30 Bike
Sunday: 3:00 run, 1:00 bike
I'm wiped. I had a great long bike ride and run which means my nutrition is spot on. It was very hot on Friday (I took the day off work and rode with my friend Ed) which means I nailed my nutrition even better.
But ... my long run on Sunday went horribly wrong around 2:10-2:15. My stomach shut down and I got really bloated. I think I was taking in too much nutrition. I was washing down my hammer gels with a highly concentrated Gatorade mixture. Then, I wasn't washing it down with enough water. (It was also very hot Sunday.) I still finished my run in 3:03, but I was hurting. My stomach still hasn't recovered as I write this.
So, now it is really all downhill from this point.
I'll write again soon.
The pic is of Dane as Wall-E for Halloween.
Keep Tri-ing,
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