First Game: 20 - 0
Second Game: 5 - 2
Third Game: 15 - 0
Championship Game: 3 - 2
Here are some pics ...

"Don’t try to be spiritual. That is only a word in the dictionary. Make it your goal to become a normally functioning individual. Let these principles shape you according to your real nature of a simple, decent, honest, unafraid human being."
~ Vernon Howard from Mystic Path to Cosmic Power
59:40 | 5:43:01 | 4:21:52 | 11:13:08 | 495 of 2189 | 98 of 369 |
TOTAL SWIM | 2.4 mi. (59:40) | 1:34/100m | 196 | 36 |
FIRST BIKE SEGMENT | 37 mi. (3:01:00) | 19.27 mph | ||
SECOND BIKE SEGMENT | 37 mi. (4:53:14) | 19.78 mph | ||
FINAL BIKE SEGMENT | 38 mi. (6:48:49) | 19.73 mph | ||
TOTAL BIKE | 112 mi. (5:43:01) | 19.59 mph | 484 | 101 |
FIRST RUN SEGMENT | 3.5 mi. (7:20:11) | 8:15/mile | ||
SECOND RUN SEGMENT | 8.6 mi. (8:45:57) | 9:58/mile | ||
THIRD RUN SEGMENT | 8.3 mi. (10:16:59) | 10:58/mile | ||
RUN FINISH | 5.9 mi. (11:13:08) | 9:31/mile | ||
TOTAL RUN | 26.2 mi. (4:21:52) | 9:59/mile | 495 | 98 |
T1: SWIM-TO-BIKE: 6:08 | 6:08 | |||
T2: BIKE-TO-RUN: 2:27 | 2:27 | |||
I'll post some pictures and my race report after I heal up in a day or two. I'm going to sleep NOW!!! Goodnight. Eric |
“Someone once inquired of a Far Eastern Zen master, who had a great serenity and peace about him no matter what pressures he faced:
“How do you maintain that serenity and peace?”
He replied, “I never leave my place of meditation.”
He meditated early in the morning and for the rest of the day, he carried the peace of those moments with him in his mind and heart.”
~ Stephen R. Covey from “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”
Do you meditate?
If not, you should seriously consider sitting quietly for 5-10-20+ minutes a day—connecting with the peace and stillness of your deepest nature and that of the universe.
Let’s remember that the only reason we meditate is to make our LIFE a meditation.
What good is it if we meditate x minutes a day x times per week and we’re an *sshole?
Not very much.
Meditate. Every moment.
Sharpen your focus. Repeat your mantra.
Be Aware. Beware.
Mantra for today: "Slow Down, Be Aware, BUT Keep Moving Forward."
Energy flows where attention goes
For the gift of the present we owe it to the moment
as above so let it be below
For the grace of the presence we owe it to the moment
No reason no rhyme
Not even to be grateful
No reason to be here at all
The more I learn the less I know for sure
I am reminded
Each new belief is a limit itself to be transcended
Many signals many signs
Appear in sure succession,leaving such impression
So many signals many cycles many constellations
Signs of the times align in infinite progression
Take a slice out of life
Everybodys got to own their own little piece of it
Well hell I've got mine
And now its true I wonder could I really ever do without it?
No victim no crime
So how come they can still call we criminal
So many people doing time
It's easy to get cynical
When there just is not enough justice
There will be those who try to deny and oppose you
There will be others still whose aim is but to use you
Don't let them bring you down, don't let them disappoint thee
Their eyes shall never see the coming of the glory
Sunrise no surprise another spectral morning
Open my eyes to find a brand new day is dawning
Must be the season or the silence
That gives my lovers whispered words the innocence of song birds
“Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.”
~ Brian Tracy
Have you ever hear the story about the kids who were accidentally labeled as “smart” or “dumb” and how their teacher’s expectations dramatically impacted their growth in the school year?
Classic story on self-fulfilling prophecies.
The quick version:
School in England. Computer program completely messes up the labeling of kids and literally puts the “smart” kids in the ‘dumb” class and the “dumb” kids in the “smart” class. Oops.
So, teachers start teaching the “smart” kids as if they’re smart and the “dumb” ones as if they’re dumb.
Fast forward 5 months.
They catch the error. And re-test the kids on IQ and other measures.
Guess what?
The truly smarter kids score significantly worse than before. The less intelligent kids? They improve dramatically.
As the teachers for the “dumb” kids said when asked to explain her teaching experience during the first few weeks of the term: “For some reason, our methods weren’t working,” they replied. “So we had to change our methods.”
The data said that these kids were bright. So if things weren’t working, it had to be their teaching methods.
Imagine that.
When the kids had someone who totally believed in their abilities and potential and showered them with optimism and support, they grew.
And if they thought they weren’t too bright? They fulfilled that expectation as well.
VERY (very very very) powerful stuff.
_______________________________________________________________What expectations do you have in your life?
For your kids if you have them?
For your friends?
For your colleagues?
For your significant other?
And, most importantly (as what you think of yourself is going to be the strongest predictor of what you think of others), WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF?!?
Let’s create some new prophecies to fulfill, shall we?
This week's mantra: "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."