Friday, July 11, 2008

Back on the Chain Gang.

Just a quickie this morning.

I just ran in the most humid rain storm ever. It didn't really rain on me much, just a few sprinkles, but it might as well have. It was so humid that I was completely soaked with sweat about 15 minutes into my run. It was cooler, though. In the high 70's. Anyway, as I was finishing my run and heading back to the office, I ran by a chain gang. No joke. Right before I ran over the Broadway street bridge which spans Interstate 10, the was a policewoman and about 4 or 5 women working a chain gang. They were in the old school black and white striped jumpsuits and were manacled together. As I ran up on them I could see them eying me. Then, as I came next to them, the women started hooting and hollering. I thought "Awesome, I'm get cat calls from felons." So I flashed them devil horns with the hand on my tattooed arm and let out the deepest growl of a yell, "Raaaaawwwwkkkk," all without breaking my stride. The policewoman leered at me. The women on the chain gang hooted and hollered some more, then I crested the bridge and ran out of their sight. That was pretty cool. I've never seen a chain gang before, much less been about 5 feet from one. And one being all women.

A quick left into the cemetery to ponder my mortality and I was done.
I must have looked like I ran through a downpour because I was soaked from head to toe in sweat. It was nasty.

Have a day.

My friend Ed is running the Ironman with me and is raising money for a local charity called the Tempe Community Action Agency. If you can help in anyway, that would be awesome. Here is the link:

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